Blackbooks - Architecture Fonts - experimental typography - 2016
Helps you understand the fine print
Knows the ins and outs of paperwork
Gets the job done quickly
Knows what it's like to crunch numbers
Exhibition co-designing and co-organizing
Collaborated with: Heinrich-Heine-Institute, City Düsseldorf
Knows what it's like to crunch numbers
Knows the ins and outs of paperwork
Helps you understand the fine print
Gets the job done quickly
With FDI journalism and design students - 2015 to 2022
Design of printed products such as poster, magazine, booklets and Logos
With FDI journalism students - 2015 to 2022
Fashion clips, documentation and animations.
Seminar with FDI journalism students - 2022
Please notice that all of these projects are programmed with Html and designed with CSS.
The students create these projects without having any previous knowledge of web design or coding.
Augmented reality-based fashion street exhibition - with FDI journalism and marketing management students -
The different stations of the exhibition on 21 September 2020, Königsallee street Düsseldorf.