Protest fonts// editorial design // professional artwork
2018 - Present // These are signs that are labeled with the contemporary perspective of a generation. The protest slogans on the portable signs define knowledge, and opinion and make the basic currents of a generation recognizable. The typography thereby assumes the role of a protest medium and demonstrates the thoughts of the protesters. The typography calls for consent and makes
demands. It presents fears and worries and expresses the character of the protest.
„Protest Fonts“ is a collection of protest signs of significant political movements from the past ten years. The work is a research of fonts, at the same time expanding the political consciousness and can therefore be recognized as a historical source of collective memory. The pictures were selected according to special typographical and design features. In the main part of the book
there is a description of the macrographic features of typography beside each image.
Here are some of these features: type classification, type design, typeface, Material of the signs &, etc.
In addition, the pictures are marked with date, place, and source. Small sections of text support the images in their expressiveness.